Enjoy the immense beauty of Svalbard on this "express" Arctic adventure cruise among whales, walruses, polar bears and millions of sea birds. Experience high summer in the Arctic with Ocean Albatros - one of the few ice-class expedition ships built to withstand the Arctic pack ice.

Embark on an incredible journey traversing the icy waters and rugged landscapes in six short days. Get ready to explore and discover the unique ecology of this mountainous and heavily glaciated archipelago - and experience Arctic nature up close. Witness the majesty of Arctic wildlife, from the giant whales of the ocean to the tiniest snow bunting, and marvel at the storied history of this fascinating region. 

Treat yourself to a grand experience on this Ocean Albatros’ Arctic adventure cruise - onboard one of the few ships that are built to traverse through pack ice and polar seas. On this unique cruise focussing on the southern region of Svalbard, experience the raw beauty of nature in this high Arctic paradise. Kept warmer than other lands at the same latitude by the last gasp of the Gulf Stream, this region includes some of Svalbard's most spectacular scenery and greatest biodiversity. 

For the best possible experience, we recommend combining this southern Svalbard itinerary with it's sister itinerary: Into the Ice - which will explore the northern region of Svalbard and the icebound Arctic Ocean beyond. 

Facts about Polar Bear Express - Southeast Svalbard
  • Arctic
  • Norway
  • Svalbard