Discover the ancient heritage and rugged beauty of Lewis as you explore historic landmarks and traditional village life on this immersive tour.

Embark on a journey from Stornoway to the island's stunning west coast, beginning with a visit to the legendary Callanish Standing Stones. Often compared to Scotland’s Stonehenge, these ancient stones date back to around 3000 BC. Arranged in a circular and avenue formation, the 32 stones are believed to have been used for astronomical observations. Set on the flat summit of a peninsula jutting into East Loch Roag, the stones create an awe-inspiring sight. Explore the excellent visitor centre to uncover the history and significance of this mysterious site, and wander among the stones to feel their enigmatic presence firsthand.

Continue your journey along the west coast to the Dun Carloway Pictish Broch, a well-preserved ancient structure built in the last century BC. This broch served as a fortified residence for a large family, complete with ground-level quarters for livestock. The towering stone structure also stood as a powerful symbol of status and authority in its time.

Next, travel north to Gearrannan Blackhouse Village, a carefully reconstructed settlement of traditional blackhouses where people and animals once lived side by side. These iconic houses, built with dry stone masonry and topped with thatched roofs held down by stones, offer a glimpse into the island’s past. Visit the small museum, witness demonstrations of traditional crofting activities (subject to availability), and soak in the rugged beauty of this dramatic site perched on the wild Atlantic coast.

Conclude your tour with a scenic drive across the moorlands, returning to Stornoway.

Facts about Stornoway: Ancient Lewis & Blackhouse Village
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