Discover the ancient mysteries of Stonehenge, the world’s most iconic stone circle and a symbol of prehistoric ingenuity.

Embark on a journey to explore the enigmatic Stonehenge, a World Heritage Site and the most famous stone circle in the world. Nestled on the Salisbury Plains of Wiltshire, this ancient monument of towering stones has fascinated and mystified people for centuries. With origins as ancient as the Pyramids, Stonehenge has sparked numerous theories about its builders, ranging from Druids and Greeks to Phoenicians and Atlanteans. The purpose of its construction remains one of history’s greatest mysteries, with speculations ranging from human sacrifice to astronomical observance.

What awaits you today is a breathtaking sight—the remnants of a series of monuments constructed between 3000 and 1000 BC. Among these, the trilithons stand out, resembling large stone doorframes composed of two upright stones topped by a horizontal lintel, skillfully joined with mortice-and-tenon joints. The stones are precisely aligned so that on the midsummer and midwinter solstices, the sun’s rays pierce through the circle, illuminating the central Heel Stone. This alignment suggests that Stonehenge was designed with a keen understanding of astronomical phenomena.

After marveling at this magical and awe-inspiring site, enjoy a scenic drive through the picturesque English countryside, returning to the pier where your ship awaits.

Facts about Portland: Mystic Stonehenge
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