Embark on an exhilarating tour from Klaksvík to Esturoy in the Faroe Islands, traversing the world's longest undersea tunnel to explore a rugged basalt landscape, visit the unique village of Gjógv with its rock crack shaped by Atlantic waves, and capture breathtaking views of the highest mountains in the Faroe Island

Depart the village of Klaksvík on an exciting tour to Esturoy, the second largest island of the Faroe Islands. First we experience one of the longest undersea tunnels in the world, linking the islands of Esturoy and Bordoy, before emerging into a rugged basalt landscape. The mountains here are the highest in the Faroe Islands, formed by volcanic eruptions during the opening of the Atlantic Ocean, and carved out by glaciers, producing the islands’ current spectacular landscape.

We will soon arrive at Gjógv, one of the most interesting villages on the islands. The village is named for its most distinctive feature – a crack in the rocks, produced by the brutal action of north Atlantic waves on the basalt bedrock. Hike up the hillside for a spectacular view, or stroll along the gorge – one of the few places on the islands out of the never-ending winds!

On our return towards Klaksvik, we will take a scenic drive over Esturoy, taking time to photograph the islands’ incredible landscapes.

Available for the "Through the North Atlantic" voyage.

This excursion need to be preordered or booked onboard (limited spaces available).

Approx. 3 hours

Facts about Gjógv and Esturoy
  • Arctic